Tag: css
Responsive Background Images Part 2: Harnessing element() For The Future
In the first part, Responsive Background Images With or Without image-set(): The Proven Way looked at the current way to make background images responsive. It is not without it’s down sides. I will discuss these and present a new way to use an img tag, or any tag, as a responsive – and even dynamic…
Responsive Background Images With or Without image-set(): The Proven Way
Do a search for “responsive background images” on the web. Go on and do the search, I’ll wait. Oh, you’re back. Notice anything strange? For example, nobody can decide on what this means, how to do it, or even how to do it easily? You’re not alone. Fact is, the vast majority of sites have…
IMG Sizes Attribute Explained: Boosting Image Optimization
Your template’s design layout often has images that do not fill the entire width of all devices your visitors may be using. CSS’s grid layouts and flexbox layouts allow even greater control over the design of websites. Using img sizes attribute to hint to the browser the maximum size the image will render at allows…